Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week 11 - Day 90

The Xena Project
Week 11 - Day 90
Days without sugar: 18

When I was little, I used to mistake a lot of things for being hungry.
"Mum, I'm hungry."
"You can't be."
"But I am!"
"You're probably just bored. Go outside and play."
I'd consider this for a few seconds. "I don't have anything to doooo-w!" (The w is for whinge).
A bright idea strikes my mother.
"Go tidy your room."

Now that I'm not eating sugar and, more importantly not delaying gratification, I'm super aware of the moments I'd usually dive for sweets. I'm seeing all the trip wires and triggers on the bad food battlefield.

Last week at Riverfire, I lined up for a bottle of water. In front of me, people bought hotdogs, softdrinks and icecreams. Man, those icecreams looked good! Any other time, I'd have changed my mind and bought sugar instead of water but I realised something. Those white whipped, choc topped, sprinkle covered portals to momentary heaven only looked good because they were cold and wet. I was thirsty. Once I'd downed a gulp or two of water, the icecream lost its appeal.

For a few weeks now, I've had to work back late to get everything done. It was 6:30pm and I was SO hungry. The charity chocolate boxes are everywhere in my office, strewn carelessly like candy landmines. Real food seemed too far away and damn, those chocolates looked good ... but only because I was hungry. Once I had dinner, the temptation faded like a bad dream in the sun.

Working back late has really worn me out. If it weren't for coffee and personal resolve, I'd be face down on my desk with a small puddle of drool at one side of my mouth. It's these times that I go for the cafe breakfasts and the stodgy hokkien noodle takeaways. Energy and comfort in one unwholesome bundle. What I really need is to take time out, tune out and maybe catch a few zzz's.

These are my trip wires. When temptation comes, I have to ask myself am I thirsty, hungry, or just tired?

Oh, and I still need to tidy my room :-(

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