Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 13 - Day 87

The Xena Project
Week 13 - Day 87
Days without sugar: 15

Happy dance! The scales retreated this morning, giving up precious ground and displaying a lesser set of digits.

Honestly, has there ever been another time in history when, at such magnitude and vehemence, people have battled their own bodies? There are full scale hostilities going on out there and I've been conscripted. It's the war of the waistline and my arse is the axis of evil. Fat is the enemy. It must be stopped. There are terrorist sugar cells lurking in every meal. It's a daily guerilla warfare to sniff out the carbs, flush out the toxins and target those ABTs.

Make no mistake, it IS a battle and the enemy fights dirty. The rules of engagement are different for every solider. Take my flatmate, for instance. She lives almost entirely off processed carbs during the day and frozen, prepackaged meals at night. Yet, she sports the most incredible leggy figure imaginable.

So, you're in the situation room with me and this is my plan of attack. I'm back on the bootcamp wagon PLUS personal training once a week. I'm rejecting all those meeting bribe lollipops and tempting cafe breakfasts. In your earnest and learned opinion, how much longer can the scales can defend their line against such an onslaught?

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