Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 11 - Day 74

The Xena Project
Week 11 - Day 74
Kgs lost: 4
Days without sugar: 3

It's day 3 without sugar and I haven't actually craved it yet. For sure, I got to 3 o'clock yesterday and looked around for something to snack on ... but that's habit more than withdrawal. I went into a meeting this afternoon and there was a plate of bikkies right under my nose. I very nearly took one until I remembered - I don't do that anymore! If anything is going to trip me up, it'll be habit. I'm in the danger zone right now. I don't know how long it will last.

There is a look of unparalleled horror on people's faces when I tell them what I've done. I must be a fruitloop... except fruitloops are full of sugar. There's more people wagering that I won't make it past Christmas, let alone Easter, than there are those who respect what I'm doing and will support me.

It's true though, in a way. Our culture is so totally saturated with sugar. I no sooner breathe in than I'm ingesting the stuff. It's freely on offer at meetings and training sessions and the little bowl at the counter where I get my coffee. Yesterday, two local admin staff wheeled around a 10kg block of Cadbury through the office. It was about as big and thick as the average workplace desktop. They were selling tickets for the CEO Challenge, yes, the very same fundraiser for which I began this whole Xena nonsense!

Yet, I am determined. I will prevail.

Not getting those 3x weekly wipeout sessions at bootcamp has left me with a lot of excess energy. I've been excessively restless and strange because of it. Last night, I went with a friend to his gym but it unfortunately reminded me why I don't like gyms. It was a big auditorium packed with sweat machines where exercise was reduced to a mass production system... like cattle. Our food is mass produced for efficiency, so why not exercise too?

I may just crack and go back to bootcamp. Good heavens, did anyone think I'd ever say that?

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