Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 12 - Day 83

The Xena Project
Week 12 - Day 83
Days without sugar: 12

You know you've had a good workout when:
You have trouble bending your arms backwards to do the clasp on your bra.
You're afraid to apply mascara in case your shaking hands poke out an eye.
You go to press the elevator button for your floor... and miss.

This is what boxing class does to a person! I went a class earlier this week, bringing my gloves from their lonesome closet exile. They haven’t gone back to the cupboard either. I hung them up near my desk at work so they’re always ready to use.
“Will this give people the wrong idea about me, do you think?” I asked a colleague.
“They’ll give you what you want,” she answered drily.

Unfortunately, exercise has gone by the wayside this month. The workplace is insidious that way. It’s exhausting and stressful; a recipe for jitters and no sleep. Having a free gym doesn’t help as much as it should. It feels like work by association. I can leave for work stupidly early, keep missing lunchtime workouts from meetings going over time, or leave work stupidly late. At the end of long and frustrating day, I just want to go home!

So, with the best intentions, I joined the local gym. How many people donate to their gym, I wonder? It is the mecca of best intentions. Hand on my heart though, I guarantee you’ll lose weight ... if only from your wallet and not your thighs.

Like all things in life, it’s up to me. Will my credit card pay for a donation or a fee for service? Or, put another way, what time was that body combat class again?

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