Monday, August 24, 2009

Week 10 - Day 64

The Xena Project
Week 10 - Day 64

In church, people hesitate to be real. This is because the things we really do (like swear and have sex and take the little hotel shampoos home) are often looked upon as sinful... or at very least frowned upon. So, you get a whole bunch of people milling around with big smiles and lilting voices saying things like ‘cast your cares’ and ‘let me pray for you.’

I thought this was contained to the world of religion but it seems not. People are people everywhere and gym culture is no exception. The minute you admit to that strawberry double freddo or not turning up to bootcamp, you get hardballed with phrases like ‘here’s a teaspoon of concrete’ or ‘suck it up princess’ and exhorted to do better next time.

I admit that I’m starting to lose momentum. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I went this morning and worked faithfully hard. The problem is that exercise for the sake of exercise is ... well, it’s boring. I squat, I stand, I prone hold, I push up, I lift, I lower. There are ways to mix it up but the longer you do it, the more repetitive it gets.

Yet, I’m still so far from my goal.

Perhaps dedication is that elusive fifth and final state of being to usher in fitness enlightenment. Fifth, final and hardest.

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