Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week 9 - Day 57

The Xena Project
Week 9 - Day 57

Today was kind of eerie. I said good morning not just to the moon, but also to the fog blanket covering the ANZ/QEII stadium training track. It was the scene in Harry Potter where the dementors glide past, sucking all the happiness out of the world. It was the scene of a horror film but we fled the terrifying, never-die stalker of our spare tyres and saddle bags. I lived through the horror film, of course, because I am not the happy-go-lucky 20yr old blonde who must meet the first gruesome end. Nor am I the amiable side-kick who dies unexpectedly somewhere in the middle. I must be the journo who lives to the end and reports on the sad events that unfolded this morning on the floodlit slopes of Nathan.

Actually, though I live on, it is in dread of what impact running 16 times up a slippery 45degree hill will have on my calves. Not to mention the reps of 16 pushups in between. On Day 10, I revealed that 'sore' is one of the perpetual states of bootcamp being, like hungry, tired and incredulous (at the bathroom nexus).

All I need now is to attain one more perpetual state of being and then perhaps I'll have five paths to enlightenment!

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