Thursday, August 27, 2009

Week 10 - Day 68

The Xena Project
Week 10 - Day 68

I put the month of September up to popular vote. Should I continue with boot camp #3 or do something different like boxing? The response was about 90% boxing with a few random suggestions. Someone voted for roller derby. No-one proposed pole dancing or cat herding. While physical activity is important, it's only part of the story. I've lost a bit of weight and put on some muscle but after two months, I'm still not that kick-ass Xena goddess.

In the top drawer of my bedside table, I keep a small, crumpled up bit of paper. On it is a list of things I want to do in my life. Things like visit Scotland, see an aurora, learn another language or write a book are deeds I expect to do at some point, I'm just not sure when. They require money, time and devotion. There is, however, one item on that list that I could do at any time. Go one year without sugar.

Apart from the withdrawals and the temptations, there are cultural factors interfering with this life goal. How do I avoid insulting someone by refusing to eat their birthday or wedding cake? How do I avoid casting a guilt trip 'heavy' when I turn up to a chick flick night bearing carrots and hommus? What should I order when going out on the town and don't feel like drinking wine? Most of all, what do I say when people demand to know the meaning of this freakish, sugarless existence?
"I'm on a diet" is such a tired statement. It elicits devil words like 'don't be silly', 'you don't need to' or 'live a little'.
"It's a lifestyle choice" sounds like I'm one of those people who won't eat fruit unless it's already fallen from the tree or maybe that I'm going to wear leather to gay clubs and pick up women.

The Xena challenge needs to be stepped up somehow. Perhaps it's time to cross another item off my list.

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