Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week 1 - Day 1

Week 1 - Day 1 = 0kgs
Total sponsorship $35/kg
Firstly, thanks to the people who are sponsor me in the fundraising challenge. BCC is a strong supporter of the organisation's committment to domestic violence awareness raising and community support avenues. Domestic Violence is something that goes on all the time but we rarely hear about it. There's something sacred and secret about family life that makes this topic uncomfortable, but important.

I have to admit, a weightloss challenge is both awkward and opportune. Thankfully, I don't have to stand in my undies in front of a voyeuristic crowd while big red digits above my head betray my secret shame. Phew! On the other hand, this is an excellent source of inspiration to start taking better care of myself.

I've nicknamed my challenge 'The Xena Project' as it's about health and fitness and aiming for my potential, not just settling for an acceptability level that decides between a t-shirt or no t-shirt at the beach ;-) What it's NOT about is starving myself for six weeks only to pack it on twice as heavy come Christmas

I'm also accountable to you guys for the amount per kilo that you've nominated BUT instead of counting down from the the amount of X that shall never be revealed even on pain of death, I will begin at 0 and count up. I'll let you know how I'm going each week so you have an idea how much it will be at the end.

It's all for a good cause.

Two, actually.

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