Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week 2 - Day 12

Week 2 - Day 12 = 2kg
Total Larapinta sponsorship $35/kg + $40 donation
When someone asks 'how are you going?', most people answer 'yeah good', 'alright', 'fine' or other variation. The next socially acceptable answer is 'busy'. When you say you're busy, the other person smiles sympathetically, nods and agrees that they too are busy, aren't we all? Busy is one of those perpetual states of being in our society, like being alright.

During the Xena Project, I've discovered a new perpetual state. Sore. I don't just mean tight calves going up a set of stairs sore, or even hurts to squat down and get back up sore. I mean melodramatically groaning when I get up out of my chair because every muscle in my entire body is rioting all at once.

A relatively new state of being for me is hungry. Naturally, I've been hungry before but this is a whole new category ... it's hunger on another plane of existance. It comes on me like a force to be reckoned with and I've dubbed it 'I could eat my own head' hungry.

The last state of being is tired. I thought with all this training that I'd fall into bed like a rock and stay comatose until the alarm shrieks its bad news the next morning. For some reason, I keep waking up through the night and having to fall back asleep. It's a bit bizarre.

I made a foolhearty deal with someone that I would wear the Xena costume at the end of the project and, true to my word, have now booked in a costume party at the end of August. Of course, I'll pretend like its an embarassing imposition on my modesty and cool ... but we all know that I'm secretly looking forward to it ;-)

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