Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week 4 - Day 22

Week 4 - Day 22 = 1kg
Total Larapinta sponsorship $35/kg + $40 donation

I have to say, I fell into frustration and despair this past week. I was baffled by this obstinate lack of progress. My metabolism seems to have gone to sea with the owl and the pussycat in a beautiful pea green boat.

This morning, even though I'm still dismal on the scales, I started to see muscles (in my own little feminine way). So, it's not about making no progress. It's about progressing differently to the usual weightloss programs on the market. Popular diets always feature meal replacements and artificial, metallic tasting foods, deprivation and antisocial eating habits. It gets quick results, but it's not sustainable. It's not a way of life.

I remembered that my goal isn't to become some skinny flit of a thing. If it was, I'd do another detox, lose 10kgs, reap in the cash ... and hey, I might become the marshmallow man raging through central New York by October but at least I'd have won the battle (even at the cost of the war.

This isn't the Megan Fox project. It's not the Angelina Jolie project or even the Pussycat Dolls project. Sure these are all fit, good looking women ... but I can't relate to them. This is the Xena project.

The Xena project means winning cushion fights against Alan on DVD nights. It means getting to 40 pushups on my toes. It means never having to wear something different because I don't fit into what I planned (or because I looked like a bag of walnuts in it). It also means eating Sultan's Kitchen with Arif or ordering Haighs when Kerri goes down to Sydney. It's a lifestyle, not a diet.

As I cleaned my room last night, I found a pile of my old Quotes of the Day and sitting on top of the stack was 11 February 2009.

Tomorrow you promise yourself will be different
yet tomorrow is too often a repetition of today.
James T McCay

The problem with tomorrow is that it looks good because it's a different/better you in it, the one that has already made the decisions and done the hard work and is experiencing the reward... but when the series of moments pass in which you would get to that point, it turns out to be just another now. It's still you facing the same problems... Don't be different tomorrow. Be different now and start acting like it.

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